Wednesday 8 August 2018


 The things that you can do now to prepare for WTSHTF are important, but don’t delay as no one knows the hour.  I heard that somewhere before… .  Go to your local health department and get your tetanus shot up to date.  Keep your kids shots up to date.  There are volumes of conflicting information about the pros and cons of immunizations. But basically I come down on the side of “don’t be an idiot, there are lots of third world diseases killing kids all over the U.S.” doctors.  Enough said.  If you are at risk or old enough (usually 60+), get a pneumonia shot.
Stay–or get–in decent physical shape for activity.  There will be lots of walking and working WTSHTF.  Be ready for it AHEAD of time.  If you are too fat or too skinny, fix it now.  Seriously, obese people and skinny people die sooner than the “middle Americans” in starvation situations.  Shoot for a Body Mass Index, or BMI, of between 22 and 29 and stay there.

Know your medications and what they are really doing for you…ask frankly what would happen if you just stopped taking you meds.  Figure out how to keep a supply of meds on your survival shelf in addition to the ones you are actually taking.  There’s a site that can help you with that if your local doctor won’t, I just can’t remember the name of it–oh, wait, it’s this one.  On the 4th of July see our products page for antibiotic packages and our consultant services for your chronic disease meds.

There are some winners and losers at TEOTWAWKI.  Winners:  healthy people on no meds.  Losers:  anyone that needs meds to live and doesn’t have them.  Diabetics and epileptics are in some serious trouble.  Coumadin-dependent folks are switching to aspirin and crossing their fingers.  People with end-stage diseases like kidney failure, heart failure, liver failure, severe pulmonary disease, severe heart disease and other serious drug-dependent conditions are not likely to make it.  If you can’t reverse these types of conditions now with changes to your lifestyle, invest in the kids and grandkids now.  I really hate to paint it so bluntly, but TEOTWAWKI is really the end for a lot of people.  Death isn’t a miserable and terrible event if you have your spiritual house in order; so I doesn’t pain me to present the facts.  There is time though, so fix your problems medical or otherwise and be prepared.  It’s not just for Boy Scouts anymore.
See the dentist. Now. Bring the whole family. Get teeth pulled that are problematic, that way they won’t cause any problems in the future. Sealants for the kids, cleanings and maintenance all good ideas. If there is a choice with cheap and patch verses expensive and more permanent, spend the money now. Teeth are one of those preventive medicine topics that are just not thought about enough–nothing ruins and otherwise good day like a terrible tooth.

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