Wednesday 8 August 2018


 The things that you can do now to prepare for WTSHTF are important, but don’t delay as no one knows the hour.  I heard that somewhere before… .  Go to your local health department and get your tetanus shot up to date.  Keep your kids shots up to date.  There are volumes of conflicting information about the pros and cons of immunizations. But basically I come down on the side of “don’t be an idiot, there are lots of third world diseases killing kids all over the U.S.” doctors.  Enough said.  If you are at risk or old enough (usually 60+), get a pneumonia shot.
Stay–or get–in decent physical shape for activity.  There will be lots of walking and working WTSHTF.  Be ready for it AHEAD of time.  If you are too fat or too skinny, fix it now.  Seriously, obese people and skinny people die sooner than the “middle Americans” in starvation situations.  Shoot for a Body Mass Index, or BMI, of between 22 and 29 and stay there.

Know your medications and what they are really doing for you…ask frankly what would happen if you just stopped taking you meds.  Figure out how to keep a supply of meds on your survival shelf in addition to the ones you are actually taking.  There’s a site that can help you with that if your local doctor won’t, I just can’t remember the name of it–oh, wait, it’s this one.  On the 4th of July see our products page for antibiotic packages and our consultant services for your chronic disease meds.

There are some winners and losers at TEOTWAWKI.  Winners:  healthy people on no meds.  Losers:  anyone that needs meds to live and doesn’t have them.  Diabetics and epileptics are in some serious trouble.  Coumadin-dependent folks are switching to aspirin and crossing their fingers.  People with end-stage diseases like kidney failure, heart failure, liver failure, severe pulmonary disease, severe heart disease and other serious drug-dependent conditions are not likely to make it.  If you can’t reverse these types of conditions now with changes to your lifestyle, invest in the kids and grandkids now.  I really hate to paint it so bluntly, but TEOTWAWKI is really the end for a lot of people.  Death isn’t a miserable and terrible event if you have your spiritual house in order; so I doesn’t pain me to present the facts.  There is time though, so fix your problems medical or otherwise and be prepared.  It’s not just for Boy Scouts anymore.
See the dentist. Now. Bring the whole family. Get teeth pulled that are problematic, that way they won’t cause any problems in the future. Sealants for the kids, cleanings and maintenance all good ideas. If there is a choice with cheap and patch verses expensive and more permanent, spend the money now. Teeth are one of those preventive medicine topics that are just not thought about enough–nothing ruins and otherwise good day like a terrible tooth.

Friday 3 August 2018

Inflammatory Bowel Disease planning and treatment

Inflammatory Bowel Disease, or IBD, is a poorly understood grouping of two separate diseases:  Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease.  Unlike other bowel diseases, both of these conditions have characteristics both in their presentation and pathology that make diagnosis fairly routine.  Both will be reviewed here with recommendations for ongoing management and treatment options in a post-collapse environment.

Ulcerative Colitis patients have recurrent episodes of inflammation of the mucosal layer of the colon.  There are different subtypes of UC based on the location of the inflammation.  Ulcerative Proctitis affects the rectum, or lowest portion of the colon.  If the inflammation is slightly more extensive, the terms Left-sided Colitis, Distal Colitis, or Proctosigmoiditis are often used to describe the disease.  Extensive Colitis involves nearly the entire colon but does not involve the cecum (closest to the small bowel junction) and Pancolitis involves the colon and the cecum.  Each subtype of UC is then characterized as mild, moderate or severe.  Mild disease is usually just the distal colon, with mild pain and sometimes bleeding, and four or fewer stools each day.  Moderate disease may involve more of the colon but it NOT Pancolitis, and stools up to 10 daily.  Bleeding can be more severe and even cause anemia, but not transfusions.  Nutrition in both mild and moderate disease is normal.  In severe disease the bleeding can cause anemia which requires transfusions; along with severe abdominal pain, weight loss, malnutrition, low grade fevers, and can even lead to a deadly condition called toxic megacolon.

Treatment for mild and moderate disease is, of course, less involved and less intensive than the treatment for severe disease.  20% of those with Distal Colitis will have complete remission, and the later a patient has onset of their disease, the better their chances at longer and more complete remissions.  Mild and moderate late-onset disease responds better to courses of steroids too.  Often, medications like Azathioprine (Imuran) and salicylates like Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) will help control symptoms and maintain remission.  Sometimes, more potent chemotherapy drugs are used to control moderate and severe disease, but these will be unavailable WTSHTF.  Steroid courses often help control specific exacerbations of UC, but long-term steroids have significant side effects and other medications like those mentioned above are often used for chronic suppression rather than steroids.

Crohn’s disease is the other IBD of the two.  Crohn’s Disease has abnormal and normal mucosa right next to each other in patches, whereas Ulcerative Colitis is diffuse.  Otherwise, the two can often be very difficult to tell apart.  CD often causes small ulcerations that can lead to scarring and fistulas, sinus tracts and sometimes perianal skin tags.

Treatment choices for Crohn’s Disease include some of the same medications used to treat UC like salicylates like Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), steroids and immunomodulators like Azathioprine (Imuran); but also antibiotics, non-systemic steroids like Budesonide (Entocort), and biologic therapies like Infliximab (Remicade) and Adalimumab (Humira).  Why some of these medications work better for CD than they do for UC will likely remain a mystery for many years, if not decades.  But, the fact remains that most of these medications will be unavailable WTSHTF and even now are ridiculously expensive and realistically not within the budget of most of us to even think of stockpiling.

Obviously, the diagnosis of these conditions is not going to be made in TEOTWAWKI.  If you already have or suspect that you may have Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s Disease, get your diagnosis and subtype confirmed now and do all you can to control your disease with the grid in place.  Learn about diet theories that help colon health, of which there are many.  Try these diets now and see if they work for you.  Then stick with them and plan your prepping foods accordingly.  If medication is needed to control your condition, you need to have it on hand.  If you currently are on one of the horribly expensive IV medications that controls your symptoms well, think about talking with your doctor about trying cheaper medications so that you can test the control and dosing to prepare for the worst-case scenarios.  The discussions of how to accomplish that have been covered before, but Surviving Healthy can always try to help.

Thursday 2 August 2018

High blood pressure

Along our continuing efforts to make prevention a big part of our push to inform, we need to now address hypertension.  High blood pressure is by far and away the most common condition experienced by the general population of the United States.  Anti-hypertensive drugs are a multi-BILLION dollar business and for good reason.  High blood pressure, especially under or untreated, can lead to heart disease, stroke, memory problems, headaches, kidney failure, liver disease, bowel troubles, blindness, and can contribute to other serious disease states.  High blood pressure is a serious problem.  If you have high blood pressure; surely you have been told to eat right, lose weight, control your stress, cut down on your salt intake, get in shape, and take your medication.  With the right luck (genetically) and hard work, most people can reduce or eliminate their need for medication by following those lifestyle modifications.  But, we are Americans.  We don’t like being told what to do and most of us are too darn lazy to change our lifestyle and so instead, we take pills.  That time is past.  Prepping means doing EVERYTHING you can to be ready to live a self-sufficient, independent life if there was a disaster of regional or national scale.

Sometimes, the best efforts lead to poor rewards here on Earth The first being the most important from a planning standpoint:  generic verses branded.  Brand-named medications are very expensive, and most-often completely unnecessary.  Generic hypertension medications include nearly all classes of medications and are usually very cheap.  Atenolol, for example, is about 15 dollars a year.  Brand-named Beta Blockers can run hundreds of dollars a month.  The same applies to almost every category of blood pressure medications:  ACE-inhibitors, Aldosterone Antagonists, ARBs, Antiadrenergic Agents, Beta-Blockers, Calcium-Channel Blockers, Diuretics (3 types), Nitrates, and “other”.  There were only 7 types when medical school started for me, now there’s 9, what will it be in another 15 years?  Surely more types and lots more of these meds going generic.

One problem has popped up recently in regard to generics though:  drug companies sometimes won’t make generics because they don’t make enough money on them.  This is especially the case if the government is involved.  Recently, this happened across the US with the generic medication Triamterene/HCTZ (Maxzide and Dyazide).  Earlier this year many folks could not get this medication… sometimes for months, and had to switch to other medications altogether.  There have been many articles rearing up over the last months about possible medication shortages here in the US, from antibiotics to hypertension meds.

For the sake of scenario discussion, what happens when you run out of blood pressure meds and your pressure goes up?  The things that you would expect will happen:  pressure in your head, eyes, and neck; possibly headaches and neck pain; often swelling of the feet/legs and hands.  As blood pressures are high and stay high; the risk of stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure increases, as do eye problems from the hemorrhage risk.  Often small bleeds inside the head can cause spotty vision, nausea, vomiting, and confusion before death.  But, high blood pressure is labeled “the silent killer” for a reason; most of the time a person does not experience the symptoms of high blood pressure until it is too late.

So, what is a person with medication-controlled hypertension to do to prepare for TEOTWAWKI?  Mexico?  Canada?  The pet store?  Your doctor’s office?  Good old Surviving Healthy?  Any, all, some is your answer.  The pet store is not likely to be a help to you, but other sources can prepare you for an uncertain future.  Make sure you do absolutely everything you can to adjust your lifestyle to drop your blood pressure, as mentioned above.  After that, work with your doctor to get on ONLY GENERIC medications if at all possible.  Then, if your doctor will not work with you to stockpile medications, you need to find another way.  You will need to investigate costs, border issues, travel, and storage before you will be able to put meds up on your storage shelves.  Stock bottles of 100 or 1000 will have a much longer expiration and will last longer on your shelves than standard 30-day prescriptions.  Try to get stock bottles whenever possible, many pharmacies will provide 100 count stock bottles instead of a 90 day supply if asked.

With or without medications WTSHTF, if you suffer from high blood pressure, avoid heavy upper-body straining as this has been shown to increase sudden intercranial hemorrhages.  Avoid dead-lift type straining also as the same mechanism would apply.  Leave the heavy lifting to the normal blood pressure folks.  Control your stress and make your medications last as long as possible if facing a shortage by staggering doses over the timeperiod you expect to be unable to get your medication.  If you have 90 days left and expect to not see any more for a year for example, stagger the pills every 3-4 days to get them to last as close to that year as possible.  Being out for 6 months by taking them every other day will certainly be more dangerous than spacing them out over more time.  Neither is a great option, it is much better for you to be able to have some medication on your shelves to plan for disasters–short or long.

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Our Second Post...

So you know what acne is? as i have mentioned everything about acne in my last post...  Now I am going to show you some extra ordinary urls that will help you to get rid of acne and also you are going to learn some new tips which will help you or some one you know.

So you know there are some remedies which can be used to get rid of acne but here question is that what kind of remedy we should use?

so In this post we will filter some best remedies to help you In removing acne or pimples..

These are the best remedies..

Tea tree oil for acne
apple cider vinegar for acne
honey for acne
aloe vera for acne
lemon juice for acne
avacado oil for acne
baking soda and lemon juice for acne
vicks vapor rub for blackheads
turmeric powder for acne
rose water for acne